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Birth Services

"Although the popularly desired outcome is 'healthy mother, healthy baby', I think there is room in that equation for 'happy, non-traumatised, empowered and elated mother and baby.'" Midwifery Today

Angela's years of midwifery experience with both hospital and home births, and single and multiple pregnancies, have shown her that no matter the circumstances, every mother benefits from compassionate, knowledgeable and experienced support throughout labour.  This plays a major role in the positive way a mother's labour progresses. 

Angela's aim is to help you navigate the NHS's model of care and to give you the confidence to make  informed decisions for you and your baby. 

"I provide continuous calm support for labouring women and their partners, both emotionally and practically. You and every mother deserve the very best birthing experience; my role is to help you achieve this. "

Angela Duncan

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